SAVE THE DATE – 20th July
15.30 – 16.30 (CET)
The workshop will explain which is the link between standardisation and innovation, in particular when it comes to Research and Innovation projects. Standards can be indeed a practical tool to support technology transfer and to promote innovation, acting as a link between R&I projects and the market.
The workshop will showcase the standardisation activities done within the ForeSee cluster, so presenting concrete examples of the core values underpinning the new EU standardisation strategy, which considers standards as the silent foundation of the EU Single Market and global competitiveness.
The workshop will also have a follow-up: a short document will be developed, with the main highlights. The ForeSee Cluster consists of eleven EU H2020-funded projects, in the field of novel design and predictive maintenance technologies for the increased operating life of production systems. The main objective of the cluster is to create a roadmap for predictive maintenance, which may serve as a guideline for companies that want to adapt and adopt predictive maintenance solutions in the future .
The workshop is free!
Cristina Di Maria, Project Manager UNI
The floor to you: a fast poll
Standardisation and research: key points for policymakers, companies and consortia
Philip Maurer, Project Manager CEN European Committee for Standardization
Standards in action: needs and benefits from R&I projects’ point of view
• UPTIME Unified Predictive Maintenance System Yves Keraron, President ISADEUS
• MAS4AI Multi-Agent Systems for Pervasive Artificial Intelligence for assisting Humans in Modular Production Environments Ifigeneia Athanasiadou, Project Manager TNO
• COALA COgnitive Assisted agile manufacturing for a LAbor force supported by trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Evangelos Niforatos, Assistant Professor, TU Delft
• RECLAIM RE-manufaCturing and Refurbishment LArge Industrial equipMent Adriano Ferrara, Project Manager UNI
• Level-Up Protocols and Strategies for extending the useful life of major capital investments and Large Industrial Equipment Andreas Feigl, Project Manager ASI
• Z-Bre4k Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems for Zero-unexpected-Breakdowns and increased operating life of Factories Marco Duarte / Hugo Faria, Consultant Research & Technology INOVA+
The floor to you: a fast poll